Migration to Apache HttpClient 5.x classic APIs

HttpClient 5.x releases can be co-located with earlier major versions on the same classpath due to versioned package namespace and Maven module coordinates.

HttpClient 5.x classic APIs are largely compatible with HttpClient 4.0 APIs. Major differences are related to connection management configuration, SSL/TLS and timeout settings when building HttpClient instances. There are also some important differences with URL normalization and encoding.

Migration steps

  • Add HttpClient 5.x as a new dependency to the project and optionally remove HttpClient 4.x

  • Remove old org.apache.http imports and re-import HttpClient classes from org.apache.hc.httpclient5 package namespace. Most old interfaces and classes should resolve automatically. One notable exception is HttpEntityEnclosingRequest interface In HttpClient 5.x one can enclose a request entity with any HTTP method even if violates semantic of the method.

  • There will be compilation errors due to API incompatibilities between version series 4.x and 5.x mostly related to SSL/TLS and timeout settings and CloseableHttpClient instance creation. Several modifications are likely to be necessary.

  • Use PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder class to create connection managers with custom parameters

  • Use SSLConnectionSocketFactoryBuilder class to create SSL connection socket factories with custom parameters

  • While HttpClient 5 automatically disables all SSL versions and weak TLS versions it may still be advisable to explicitly specify TLSv1.3 as the only enabled version.

  • Use Timeout class to define timeouts.

  • Use TimeValue class to define time values (duration).

  • Optionally choose a connection pool concurrency policy: STRICT for strict connection max limit guarantees; LAX for higher concurrency but with lax connection maximum limit guarantees. With LAX policy HttpClient can exceed the per route maximum limit under high load and does not enforce the total maximum limit.

  • Optionally choose a connection pool re-use policy: LIFO to re-use as few connections as possible making it possible for connections to become idle and expire; FIFO to re-use all connections equally preventing them from becoming idle and expiring.

  • Optionally choose a finite total time to live for connections.

    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager = PoolingHttpClientConnectionManagerBuilder.create()
          .setTlsSocketStrategy((TlsSocketStrategy) ClientTlsStrategyBuilder.create()
  • Favor the strict cookie policy when using HttpClient 5.0.

  • Use response timeout to define the maximum period of inactivity until receipt of response data.

  • All base principles and good practices of HttpClient programing still apply. Always re-use client instances. Client instances are expensive to create and are thread safe in both HttpClient 4.x and 5.x series.

    CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom()
    CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore();
    CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
    HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.create();
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(jsonFactory);
    ClassicHttpRequest httpPost = ClassicRequestBuilder.post("https://httpbin.org/post")
           .setEntity(HttpEntities.create(outstream -> {
               objectMapper.writeValue(outstream, Arrays.asList(
                       new BasicNameValuePair("name1", "value1"),
                       new BasicNameValuePair("name2", "value2")));
           }, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON))
  • HTTP response messages in HttpClient 5.x no longer have a status line. Use response code directly.

    JsonNode responseData = client.execute(httpPost, response -> {
      if (response.getCode() >= 300) {
          throw new ClientProtocolException(new StatusLine(response).toString());
      final HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity();
      if (responseEntity == null) {
          return null;
      try (InputStream inputStream = responseEntity.getContent()) {
          return objectMapper.readTree(inputStream);
  • CloseableHttpClient instances should be closed when no longer needed or about to go out of scope.

  • The 4.x RequestConfig property normalizeUri has been removed, and URIUtils.normalizeSyntax is no longer public. In 4.x, these only supported limited normalization from RFC 3986 including removal of dot segments (section 5.2.4), and syntax-based normalization (section 6.2.2). The 5.x URIBuilder in httpcomponents-core has a new public normalizeSyntax method, but it strives for more thorough support of RFC 3986, specifically percent-encoding all components. Since 5.3, normalizeSyntax has been deprecated and renamed to optimize to emphasize the difference in behaviour.