Uses of Class

Packages that use Header
org.apache.commons.httpclient Classes and interfaces supporting the client side of the HTTP protocol. 
org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth Provides implementation of various authentication schemes as well as utility classes that can be used to authenticate HTTP requests. 
org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie Provides cookie handling in conjunction with Cookie

Uses of Header in org.apache.commons.httpclient

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient that return Header
 Header[] HeaderGroup.getAllHeaders()
          Gets all of the headers contained within this group.
 Header HeaderGroup.getCondensedHeader(String name)
          Gets a header representing all of the header values with the given name.
 Header HeaderGroup.getFirstHeader(String name)
          Gets the first header with the given name.
 Header[] HeaderGroup.getHeaders(String name)
          Gets all of the headers with the given name.
 Header HeaderGroup.getLastHeader(String name)
          Gets the last header with the given name.
 Header HttpMethodBase.getRequestHeader(String headerName)
          Returns the specified request header.
 Header HttpMethod.getRequestHeader(String headerName)
          Gets the request header with the given name.
 Header[] HttpMethodBase.getRequestHeaders()
          Returns an array of the requests headers that the HTTP method currently has
 Header[] HttpMethod.getRequestHeaders()
          Returns the current request headers for this HTTP method.
 Header[] HttpMethodBase.getRequestHeaders(String headerName)
 Header[] HttpMethod.getRequestHeaders(String headerName)
          Returns the request headers with the given name.
 Header HttpMethodBase.getResponseFooter(String footerName)
          Gets the response footer associated with the given name.
 Header HttpMethod.getResponseFooter(String footerName)
          Return the specified response footer.
 Header[] HttpMethodBase.getResponseFooters()
          Returns an array of the response footers that the HTTP method currently has in the order in which they were read.
 Header[] HttpMethod.getResponseFooters()
          Returns the response footers from the most recent execution of this request.
 Header HttpMethodBase.getResponseHeader(String headerName)
          Gets the response header associated with the given name.
 Header HttpMethod.getResponseHeader(String headerName)
          Returns the specified response header.
 Header[] HttpMethodBase.getResponseHeaders()
          Returns an array of the response headers that the HTTP method currently has in the order in which they were read.
 Header[] HttpMethod.getResponseHeaders()
          Returns the response headers from the most recent execution of this request.
 Header[] HttpMethodBase.getResponseHeaders(String headerName)
 Header[] HttpMethod.getResponseHeaders(String headerName)
          Returns the response headers with the given name.
static Header[] HttpParser.parseHeaders(InputStream is)
          Deprecated. use #parseHeaders(InputStream, String)
static Header[] HttpParser.parseHeaders(InputStream is, String charset)
          Parses headers from the given stream.

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient with parameters of type Header
 void HeaderGroup.addHeader(Header header)
          Adds the given header to the group.
 void HttpMethodBase.addRequestHeader(Header header)
          Adds the specified request header, NOT overwriting any previous value.
 void HttpMethod.addRequestHeader(Header header)
          Adds the specified request header, not overwriting any previous value.
 void HttpMethodBase.addResponseFooter(Header footer)
          Use this method internally to add footers.
 void HttpMethod.addResponseFooter(Header footer)
          Add a footer to this method's response.
protected  String HttpMethodBase.getContentCharSet(Header contentheader)
          Returns the character set from the Content-Type header.
protected  void HttpMethodBase.processCookieHeaders(CookieSpec parser, Header[] headers, HttpState state, HttpConnection conn)
          This method processes the specified cookie headers.
 void HeaderGroup.removeHeader(Header header)
          Removes the given header.
 void HttpMethodBase.removeRequestHeader(Header header)
          Removes the given request header.
 void HttpMethod.removeRequestHeader(Header header)
          Removes the given request header.
 void HeaderGroup.setHeaders(Header[] headers)
          Sets all of the headers contained within this group overriding any existing headers.
 void HttpMethodBase.setRequestHeader(Header header)
          Sets the specified request header, overwriting any previous value.
 void HttpMethod.setRequestHeader(Header header)
          Sets the specified request header, overwriting any previous value.

Uses of Header in org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth with parameters of type Header
static Map AuthChallengeParser.parseChallenges(Header[] headers)
          Extracts a map of challenges ordered by authentication scheme name
static AuthScheme HttpAuthenticator.selectAuthScheme(Header[] challenges)
          Deprecated. Use AuthChallengeParser.parseChallenges(Header[]) and AuthPolicy.getAuthScheme(String)

Uses of Header in org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie that return Header
 Header IgnoreCookiesSpec.formatCookieHeader(Cookie cookie)
 Header CookieSpecBase.formatCookieHeader(Cookie cookie)
          Create a "Cookie" Header containing the Cookie.
 Header CookieSpec.formatCookieHeader(Cookie cookie)
          Create a "Cookie" Header for single Cookie.
 Header IgnoreCookiesSpec.formatCookieHeader(Cookie[] cookies)
 Header CookieSpecBase.formatCookieHeader(Cookie[] cookies)
          Create a "Cookie" Header containing all Cookies in cookies.
 Header CookieSpec.formatCookieHeader(Cookie[] cookies)
          Create a "Cookie" Header for an array of Cookies.
 Header CookieVersionSupport.getVersionHeader()
 Header RFC2965Spec.getVersionHeader()

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie with parameters of type Header
 Cookie[] RFC2965Spec.parse(String host, int port, String path, boolean secure, Header header)
          Parses the Set-Cookie2 value into an array of Cookies.
 Cookie[] IgnoreCookiesSpec.parse(String host, int port, String path, boolean secure, Header header)
          Returns an empty cookie array.
 Cookie[] CookieSpecBase.parse(String host, int port, String path, boolean secure, Header header)
          Parse the "Set-Cookie" Header into an array of Cookies.
 Cookie[] CookieSpec.parse(String host, int port, String path, boolean secure, Header header)
          Parse the "Set-Cookie" Header into an array of Cookies.

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